Clemetra Dashié is a wife of an 19 year relationship and mother of four. She excels at balancing life as a Kingdom Wife | Mom | Boss, balancing marriage, family, work, business, and more. Building a business, writing books, moving in ministry, all while wifing, momming, and working a full time lead position, can be tough. God has graced her with strategy to navigate the balance and THRIVE. She is your THRIVE strategist!

Women often lack THRIVING due to a various number of reasons. Some of the barriers that Clemetra gives tools to help you overcome include, defected leadership, insecurities, unforgiveness, self doubt, rejection, lack of balance, lack of boundaries, and structure. This is done through strategy and mindset shifts. The way you value yourself directly impacts how you show up and the structure you’ve built for yourself determines the level of THRIVE. She aims to see other Kingdom women healed, THRIVING, and excelling in life with purpose, on purpose.

You can write the book, start the business, master the ministry and show up to be the best you in every situation and she is going to help you get there.


She is ready to help you THRIVE!